Fergie's new song MILF$ together
with Kim Kardashian is a pop song as so many pop songs already.
But that is not a
bad thing if you want to make money.
Pop songs have
become more and more general over the years and that's not all due to the
We look for and
buy more generic songs too so we keep this cycle going.
Music artists have
used more formulas to make music that people like and if a formula works there
is no reason to do something else. It are the hits that brig the money in so
you are better of making a safe bet then taking risks.
Zipfs law states
that the probability of occurrence of words (or other items) starts high and
tapers off. Thus, a few occur very often while many others occur rarely.
When formulas are
used in lyrics the fewer and fewer words are used.
So it comes down
to algorithms in the end.
Some other reasons
why pop music could sounds more and more the same is because the number of good
musicians and producers goes down and the number of artists they produce music
for goes up.
The musicians also
tend to learn to make about the same music and the more same music is made the
more of the same musicians seem to be needed.
In other words:
because the same people make it.
Experimentation is
pushed to the margins and algorithms and formulas of success take over.
Have a great day.